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Autolite vs. NGK Spark Plugs (Pros & Cons)

Spark plugs are an essential part of the engine in your vehicle. They ignite or “spark” the air/ fuel mixture in the engine that helps start your car. There are also some other functions of the spark plug that make them essential to any combustion engine.

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Today, we will discuss spark plugs from two popular competitors, Autolite and NGK. We will discuss their efficiency, gap erosion, and pros and cons to give you a comprehensive comparison and help you understand which is the better option for your engine.

Autolite vs. NGK Spark Plugs

Let’s start our Autolite vs. NGK spark plugs comparison with an explanation of why we are comparing these particular spark plugs in the first place.

Why Compare These Spark Plugs?

The primary reason to compare Autolite and NGK spark plugs is that they are both similar and popular products in a competitive market. Autolite has been manufacturing and selling high-quality spark plugs in America for almost a hundred years, whereas NGK (short for Nihon Gaishi Kabushikigaisha) is a Japanese spark plug manufacturer of roughly the same age.

Today, they are both popular and reliable spark plug brands in America, which is why this comparison will help discern the subtle differences in their products and highlight the better one for you.

That being said, we can now start to compare these products across a few different criteria.

Gap Erosion

The spark created by a spark plug in the engine is the result of electricity passing through a small air gap on the top of the spark plug.

This gap is wide enough that it isn’t touching but close enough that electrical current can jump from the tip (central electrode) to the ground (side electrode), thus creating the spark you need to burn fuel in your engine.

A bad spark plug will easily corrode the tip over time, leaving electrode deposits and resulting in the air gap enlarging. This is known as gap erosion, and it increases the resistance the spark must overcome to jump the air gap.

Manufacturers ensure that electrode wear does not occur in the gaps, so they try to minimize the corrosion and rust on the tip of the spark plug. Autolite and NGK do this, too but in slightly different ways.

Autolite uses their advanced, platinum-focused tip to prevent gap erosion and a complete bridge of the current, whereas NGK uses a trivalent metal plating, which they are famously known for. Moreover, NGK offers spark plugs with a dustproof surface.

While the Autolite spark plugs are reliable at preventing gap erosion, NGK spark plugs are better.

Fuel Efficiency and Optimized Performance

There is no doubt that good spark plugs improve the fuel efficiency of cars. The right spark plug can save you fuel because it is efficient at burning fuel in the engine, giving you better mileage. This means it can optimize the performance and extend the lifespan of an engine as well.

Autolite spark plugs create a concentrated spark with a large flame, which means it has good ignition capabilities that bring high performance. Moreover, Autolite spark plugs perform consistently with small and large engines alike.

However, NGK spark plugs are well known for creating low combustion sparks that require less fuel, which means they burn less fuel.

This results in NGK spark plugs offering better fuel efficiency and great mileage compared to Autolite spark plugs. However, it is important to note that NGK spark plugs tend to misfire occasionally. This means it may fire sparks inaccurately from time to time, but not always.

Grounding Point

It is common knowledge that you shouldn’t expose your car to electricity, as it can damage the circuits, electrical work, and your spark plugs. To avoid electrical current from damaging the spark plugs, manufacturers use a grounding point.

Autolite designs its spark plugs with a nickel side to disperse and ground electrical current and minimize the chances of electricity damaging the plugs. NGK also uses a nickel alloy for this purpose. While both manufacturers use slightly different combinations of materials, they perform equally in this regard.

Pros And Cons Of Autolite And NGK

Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of Autolite and NGK spark plugs.

Autolite Pros:

  • Reliable ignition in various environments
  • Good performance
  • Platinum focused tip to prevent rust and gap erosion

Autolite Cons:

  • Lower fuel efficiency than NGK

NGK Pros:

  • Durable and dustproof spark plugs
  • Trivalent Metal Plating to prevent gap erosion
  • Nickel alloy coating for grounding
  • Higher fuel efficiency

NGK cons:

  • Firing sparks are not as accurate as Autolite

Autolite vs. NGK Spark Plugs (Which Is Right for You?)

Considering the mentioned comparison points and some other features, we can conclude that Autolite spark plugs are good for you if:

  • You want reliable spark plugs that can start and push your car in various environments.
  • You want spark plugs that can function well in any number of small or large engines.
  • You want high performance from your spark plugs.
  • You want the accuracy of firing sparks.

Similarly, NGK spark plugs are good for you if:

  • You want durable spark plugs that run for longer.
  • You want dustproof and anti-corrosion spark plugs
  • You want spark plugs that offer greater fuel efficiency.
  • You can handle the occasional misfire or inaccuracy of firing sparks.


There isn’t much difference between Autolite and NGK spark plugs, but the subtle differences mentioned here may compel you to choose one over the other. Overall, both spark plugs offer reliable performance and will last you a long time.

However, the Autolite spark plugs offer slightly consistent performance, whereas the NGK spark plugs offer slightly better fuel efficiency. Your choice of spark plugs will boil down to your preferences and the requirements of your vehicle.

Whether you pick Autolite spark plugs or NGK spark plugs for your engine, you will not be disappointed by either, as they both offer immensely superior performance, efficiency, and durability than conventional copper spark plugs.